In this article we go over some Pet Sun Protection Tips to help keep your pets cool this summer.
The summer season has arrived, and with it, several hazards for pets. Help save lives by getting the word out about the significance of protecting your animals from the sun and heat. Sun sensitivity is not just a human condition; it may also affect dogs and cats. Sunburn may be very painful for pets, especially those with a lighter, shorter coat (Labs, Pit bulls, Boxers, etc.) or even those with a hairless coat.
The highest UV rays occur during the hottest times of the day, when the sun is directly overhead (usually between 11am and 4pm). Shelter from the sun is essential for any animal kept outside, whether it be a farm animal or a pet. Reducing their time spent outside can protect them from heat exhaustion and possibly heat stroke. Instead of leaving your dog outside while you’re gone because he or she is destructive inside the house, consider keeping them occupied with interesting activities like bones, busy toys (slow treat feeders), safe chew toys, and peanut butter Kongs.
If you can’t keep your pet indoors, protect it from the sun by using a pet-safe sunscreen. Sunscreen should be applied liberally, but especially to exposed skin (such as the nose and ears) and areas where hair is sparse or nonexistent. The ears, nose, and stomach are particularly vulnerable to sunburn. Since these areas often have very few hairs, they are more vulnerable to sunburn. Sunscreen can cause serious irritation if it gets in their eyes, so be careful! If your pet accidentally ingests human sunscreen, it may be hazardous to them. If you are concerned about the effects of the sun on your pet, it is important that you get the advice of your veterinarian regarding the best sunscreen to use on your pet’s skin. Keep a bowl of water out for your pet at all times.