Is Garlic Safe for My Pet?

A lot of people think it’s bad for their pets, but it’s actually good for them in moderation. Allium sativum, most commonly known as garlic, has enormous culinary possibilities. Many meals rely on its robust, pungent scent and flavor, whether they are sautéed, baked, roasted, braised, or stir-fried. Soups, sauces, marinades, spice rubs, and meat preparations all rely heavily on it for taste. Garlic is a popular ingredient in kitchens around the world. You may be concerned about whether or not your pet may safely consume this common kitchen ingredient.

There is a lot of false information online regarding foods that are good for you. This is because websites have incorrectly classified all concerns as risks or “toxicities,” including the risk of overconsumption causing gastrointestinal difficulties, which has managed to deceive millions of pet lovers. Garlic, a member of the onion family, has a poor reputation in veterinary medicine despite its usefulness.

When and why did the garlic phobia begin, anyway? In 2000, the American Journal of Veterinary Research first reported the results of a study conducted in Japan.2 The study’s authors aimed to determine whether or not and, if so, at what dose, Heinz body hemolytic anemia would develop in dogs given garlic extract. Allium vegetables including garlic, onions, chives, and leeks are known to cause this type of anemia in dogs, cats, and horses when consumed in large quantities.

A massive and far more than you would ordinarily feed your dog (and no dog would naturally consume) quantity of garlic extract (1.25 milliliters per kilogram of body weight once a day for seven days) was given to the dogs in the study. Results showed that even at that dose, no physical signs such as anemia were seen.

Nonetheless, the myth that garlic is unsafe continues to circulate. To sum it all up, garlic is perfectly safe for your dog or cat to eat, and it may even have positive effects when added to healthy, home-cooked meals.

Insect repellents that are safe for dogs include garlic. If your dog weighs 15 pounds, add a quarter teaspoon of freshly chopped garlic per day to its meals.

Homemade bone broth for your pet can be flavored with garlic. Because they are likely to contain a higher quantity than is safe for your pet, I do not advise taking garlic tablets or extracts, especially ones produced for people. To keep fleas at bay during the warm summer months, I sprinkle 1/8 of a clove of garlic into my cat’s food a few times a week. Unfortunately, there have been no studies done to determine the maximum safe dose of garlic for cats. There are some dog breeds that are more sensitive to thiosulfate than others; for example, several Japanese and Korean dog breeds like Shiba Inus and Jindos.