Food Puzzles: What Your Pet Can Learn From Them

The presence of our animals in our life has improved it in innumerable ways, and we value them very highly. Is there anything further we can do to assist them?

How about offering them assistance in searching for food in the wild, much as their ancestors did?
Even though most of the animals who live with humans have been domesticated for thousands of years, they nevertheless share a lot of similarities with their wild counterparts.

Even domesticated pets “need to forage for their food,” much like their relatives who live in the wild do. An activity that will be beneficial for your pet is for you to provide them with a food puzzle. It helps reduce boredom by providing an activity for your pet to participate in, so it’s a win-win. Food puzzles are also great for pets who wolf down their meals because the animal must eat more slowly and, consequently, can savor the food a bit more.

You can create food puzzles yourself or purchase them at various stores. The ability to forage is not one that comes naturally to animals, thus it is something that you will need to teach your pet.

Food puzzles are beneficial for the following reasons:

– Pet parents can get a little break while their fur-baby gets some much needed mental exercise,

– Teething pups will have something to gnaw on,

– They help with boredom for crated pets,

– It helps your pet to not eat so quickly and makes their dinner last longer,

Be sure to keep a close check on your pet while he or she is enjoying their brand-new puzzle toy. This will ensure that no accidents occur. This is both for safety reasons (to prevent them from choking on or swallowing chunks of plastic or cardboard) and also for confidence reasons. (so that they can “figure it out” and not feel upset or destructive).