Why is your cat vomiting? The sound that warns you that you have a mess to clean up is the hacking sounds coming from the other room, which no pet parent enjoys hearing. The first thing that might cross your mind when your cat starts to gag is, “Oh no, what did they get into now?” Your cat could vomit for a variety of causes, some of which are more serious than others. Knowing why your cat could be throwing up and when to take them to the clinic are crucial skills for new pet parents.

A Common Cause of Cat Vomiting Is Hairballs

Even for seasoned cat owners, it’s critical to comprehend the causes of cat vomiting. As cats become older, their bodies change, and vomiting could be an abnormal sign.

While eating a piece of a houseplant or ingesting a toy may cause cats to vomit, your cat may also have stomach discomfort from ingesting hair while being groomed. This typically returns as a hairball.

Although a cat occasionally throwing up a hairball is natural, there are several instances where you would need to be concerned. For your cat to pass hairballs, they shouldn’t be painful, frequent, or challenging. Keep track of your cat’s routine and keep an eye out for signs of constipation, lethargy, and anorexia if they haven’t passed a hairball in a while.  Untreated hairballs can also go the other way and result in excruciating intestinal blockages in extreme cases. You might want to consider a cat food that is specifically designed for hairballs if your cat consistently has a hairball issue.

Hacks for Cat Vomit Diagnostics

It may not be necessary to call your veterinarian every time your cat passes a hairball. You should however if your cat starts vomiting frequently if the hairballs are huge and appear to be bothering your pet.

The majority of veterinarians begin by evaluating whether the vomiting is connected to hairballs. They might then move on to talk about potentially ingesting dangerous things or substances found in your house. Your veterinarian can suggest additional testing, such as bloodwork, a fecal examination, X-rays, or an ultrasound, if the cause is not immediately apparent.

You can obtain beneficial information before to your appointment by being aware that the majority of veterinarians will approach cat vomiting in this manner. Be prepared to explain your cat’s recent surroundings, activity, frequency of vomiting, and appearance when you visit the vet.

Additional Causes of Cat Vomit

If your cat barfs but then acts normally, eats normally, and otherwise appears healthy, you might not need to worry too much. For instance, after eating, cats occasionally vomit up undigested food. This may occur if your pet consumes the food too quickly. You might just need to give your cat smaller, more frequent meals in these circumstances.

But occasionally, extreme or frequent vomiting could be a sign of a serious illness. Vomiting can be brought on by a variety of illnesses, including renal and liver disorders. Vomiting can also be caused by intestinal parasites, diseases, and food allergies. Testing is required to uncover the root of the problem and the most effective way to help your cat.

Dietary Allergies

Food allergies and sensitivities can also cause digestive issues in certain cats. Keep a close eye on any actions your cat takes before and after meals. Do they also have diarrhea, bald spots, or itching skin in addition to vomiting? Talk to your veterinarian about these findings and heed their recommendations for any necessary food adjustments and medications.

Do not attempt to diagnose your cat’s allergy yourself because improperly adjusting your cat’s diet could cause further stomach discomfort.

Always err on the side of caution and take your cat to the doctor straight away if something doesn’t seem right. Every cat is unique, and your veterinarian is the expert best suited to identify the underlying problem causing your cat to vomit.

How to Stop Cat Vomiting

What pet parent wouldn’t want to discover the trick to getting rid of vomiting? Alternatively, is there a method to teach your cat not to soil your carpet or bed? Sadly, there is no secret phrase. However, you can attempt a few different ways to lessen both your cleaning workload and your cat’s suffering.

Make sure to brush your cat frequently and keep them active.  Feed them a diet with balanced nutrition that is made to aid cats with hairballs.

Give your cat the food your vet recommends and in the amounts indicated. Make sure there is always access to clean, fresh water for them to drink. You can use a puzzle feeder or dry food with big, crunchy chunks to slow your cat down if they eat too quickly. In order to keep your cat healthy, it will be vital to follow your veterinarian’s recommendations for drugs or therapeutic foods. \ Make sure your cat visits the vet frequently and voice any concerns you may have.

All pet owners will eventually have to clean up spills and bodily fluids, but by using these suggestions and understanding when to get expert assistance, you may ideally reduce the frequency of these situations. Contact Charolette Kennels for veterinarians we recommend in the area.