Many individuals don’t consider hiring a dog trainer until their dog’s behavior has become unmanageable. They are hesitant to enroll their new dog in training early because they do not believe it is worth the time and money. However, I advise people to consider dog training as an investment in the family’s quality of life rather than an expense.

The earlier you begin teaching your dog using non-violent methods, the stronger your dog will become from the inside out. Puppyhood is a formative period for dogs, and the lessons learnt define who they will become as adults, as well as who they will be as seniors.

If you’ve acquired a dog, it’s essential to begin the positive-training process as soon as possible. Because you don’t know the dog’s background and aren’t aware of any potential problems,. The transition period is crucial in setting the tone for the rest of the family’s life together. Ideally, you’ll have a trainer set up by the time you get together for the first week.

Working with a science-based dog trainer as soon as your new canine family member arrives at your home might reap some significant benefits.

1. Address problems before they become serious

A dog’s first visit to a new home might be frightening. For a few weeks or longer, your new family member may appear shut down. Remember that she will need time to acclimate and feel at ease in her new surroundings.

She will, however, eventually begin to emerge from her shell. And, be advised, when she does, she may revert to past habits that are unsuitable for your household. You’ll want to work through these old patterns as soon as they occur.

Preventative medicine is much less expensive and easier to execute than reactive medicine. Your goal will be to assist your dog in quickly replacing undesirable habits with acceptable ones.

Some dogs, for example, might be obnoxious and leap up to attract attention. They may even gnaw on furnishings to release their nervous energy. Others may demand attention by barking incessantly. It’s crucial to realize that the dogs are behaving in very healthy ways for dogs in each of these situations. They are delighted to see people, they are releasing energy in a calm manner, and they are expressing themselves. So, this is genuinely beneficial.

The issue is with the mode of expression. We only need to assist them in engaging in the same activity in a manner that is acceptable to the humans in their environment. We could substitute jumpy greetings with sitting ones in the case of jumpy greetings.

It’s important to remember that habits are formed via repetition. They become stronger and more difficult to break the more they are trained. As a result, the sooner you employ a dog trainer to assist your dog in making more productive choices. The easier it will be for them to grow into a well-adjusted family dog.

2. A Longer-Lasting Relationship

Companies engage in “team building” activities because doing things together helps people bond. Dogs are the same way. The link between human and canine friends increases when they train together. Take, for example, the value of simple “watch me” training.

When you first start training, you might believe that it’s all about getting the dog to listen and respond to you. However, the one with the larger brain (that’s you) bears the brunt of the training burden.

Learning to listen to your dog (including body language) to understand where she or he is emotionally is just as vital (if not more so). It’s critical to learn to listen before speaking in every relationship. This is made easier by training.

Dogs are frequently subjected to situations in which their voices are ignored, which can result in serious problems. When dogs are put in difficult settings and required to execute similarly difficult activities nonetheless, we witness this.

Fido may indicate that he is uneasy with his body language if Aunt Sallie with the terrifying large hair requests that Fido come say “hello.” Forcing him to see Aunt Sally if he is terrified of her is a rejection of his role in the relationship. Fido may grow to dislike Aunt Sally as a result of your actions, and he may lose trust in you as a result of putting him in that situation. “Sorry, but Fido is a little uncomfortable right now and needs a bit of space,” you can tell Aunt Sally if you learn to read the signs, or “listen.”

Remember that you are Fido’s guardian as well as his companion. You’ll have to work hard to gain his trust. This is something that training may help with. A good relationship is both the foundation and the reward of effective training.

3. Less Stress in the Home

It’s awful to feel helpless. When a dog has problems in the house (whether slight or large), everyone’s stress level rises. In certain cases, the greatest strategy to reduce stress is to address the factors that are causing it.

There are good and inappropriate (or “productive and unproductive”) methods to deal with a dog who has issues, just as there are appropriate and inappropriate ways for dogs to behave in a house.

Did you know that yelling at a dog for soiling the carpet might actually encourage the dog to soil the carpet even more?

Did you know that punishing a dog for urinating in the trash can encourage the dog to do so again?

What many individuals believe are effective ways of dealing with issues often turn out to be excellent ways of exacerbating the problem behaviors.

Good science-based trainers will not only teach you ways for dealing with problems, but will also help you comprehend the dynamics at play. They’ll talk about how dogs learn, why they might do certain things, and why the tactics work. The more you know about canine behavior and psychology, the more confident you’ll feel in challenging situations, which will lessen your stress levels.

“Knowing is half the battle,” as the old GI Joe cartoon used to say. You will be able to improve a challenging situation once you have gained fresh knowledge.

4. A Dog with Better Emotional Health

Over the previous half-century, dog training has evolved significantly. The most significant change, in my opinion, has to do with its focus. The traditional approach was centered on the topic of “how do we get the dog to obey commands?” As a result, “obedience classes” were created. Trainers used a “outside-in” strategy. To enforce their will, they deployed “commands,” “corrections,” “dominance postures,” and weapons that leveraged the power of pain and fear. These strategies were selected because they provided answers to their driving question.

The question has altered in current training. “How can we work with dogs to draw forth healthy and acceptable social behavior?” is now our focus.

It appears to be the same thing on the surface, but it isn’t. We now know a lot more about how dogs learn thanks to advances in dog psychology, as well as how unhealthy (and even harmful) more “conventional” or “balanced” practices are.

From the outside in, the old-school method worked on a dog. From the inside out, the current technique helps a dog. This newer technique is not only more humanitarian, but scientific studies have shown that it is also more efficient and effective.

Science-based training is similar to cognitive-behavioral therapy for dogs because of its psychological approach (which is exceptionally important for rescue dogs, since they need to heal). Confidence builds as the focus shifts to empowering the dog to make better decisions. A fearless dog is a confident dog. The majority of dog bites are caused by fear.

When a dog’s capacity to feel confident and comfortable in settings is strengthened, the dog is better able to make better choices when they are uncomfortable. It is just as vital to care for a dog’s emotional health through science-based, force-free training as it is to care for its physical health, and it has far-reaching effects for everyone involved.

5. Someone with whom to converse

Regular training with your dog has a lot of positive effects on your connection. What happens, though, if something goes wrong? What if problems arise despite your best efforts?

It’s not only about the training when you schedule early training; it’s also about developing a relationship with someone who can assist you in times of need. If you find yourself in a scenario where you require more assistance, your trainer will already be familiar with your dog and will have a better understanding of the situation than if you waited until problems arose to begin training.

For small issues, you may be able to send an e-mail inquiry, or you may need to schedule a session or two. Regardless, knowing that you have someone on your side when things get out of hand with your canine buddy is crucial.

The sense of security alone, I believe, is well worth the expense.

The longer such behaviors persist, the more difficult it is to stop them.

You’ve probably heard the expression “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It’s especially true when it comes to dog training. The sooner you get assistance for your dog, the better.

Consider how many problems you could avoid if you just knew what your dog was going through. Why put it off any longer? It’s an investment that will pay off for the rest of your dog’s life. Contact Charlette Kennels for references to trainers.